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About Daisy

Crotchity Old Woman

Daisy was found abandoned on a busy highway in Dover, TN. She was missing a lot of her hair due to being ravaged by fungus. She had horrible skin and had to start a dedicated once a week medicated bath regiment to rid her of this.


Daisy's Story

When we first took Daisy into our home, we took her to her initial veterinary visit. At that time they told us that she had a Grade 1 heart murmur. Heart murmurs are on a scale from Grade 1 to Grade 5, with Grade 5 being the worst. She was also estimated at being at least 12 years old. About a year after coming to us she suffered an eye injury. We had to run her to the emergency vet, and she had to have her right eye removed. It was discovered during this surgery that her heart murmur had worsened to a Grade 3. After she recovered, she was her usual crotchety self. She became very ill in January 2022. She got weak to the point that she was always laying down. She didn't want to do anything. She stopped eating and developed severe vomiting and diarrhea. We rushed her to the vets and they ran an EKG and heart ultrasound. Her heart murmur had graduated to the worst stage, a Grade 5. It was decided under our veterinarian's advice to humanely euthanize Daisy. It was a very hard decision to make, but we did not want her to suffer. Daisy crossed the rainbow bridge January 21, 2022.

Daisy's Life

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PO Box 134

Erin, TN 37061


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