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About Winston

A Million Miles A Minute

What can we say about Winston. He goes a hundred miles a minute. Zoom, zoom here, zoom, zoom there. He came to us December 2022. None of the other residents wanted anything to do with him. They weren't mean to him, but they definitely didn't want to be bothered by a high energy bouncy house. We tried crate training. This traumatized him. He would thrash around in the crate. We were afraid that he would hurt himself. We gated him off by himself, but we quickly figured out that he had separation anxiety. He would go nuts, and when he was tall enough, he just jumped the gates.


Winston's Story

At his first veterinary appointment we discussed a problem with his tail. Boston Terrier's are naturally born with a nubby tail. Yes, this was the case with Winston, but his was malformed to the point that we were worried that it would eventually grow into his rump. We decided to wait and see if it would. There was a little bit of space between his tail and his rump at that time. Two months ago he developed a sore due to this issue. His tail was rubbing a sore spot on his rump. A plan of action was put into place. He was put on a round of antibiotics to get rid of the infection that the sore had caused. We went back two weeks later to ensure that the sore had healed, which it had. The plan of action now is to see how often these pressure sores pop up. If it is a manageable time limit or no more pop up, then surgery is not necessary. If these sores pop up frequently, he will need a full tail amputation to prevent future infections.

Winston's Life

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PO Box 134

Erin, TN 37061


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