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Ethel's History

Ethel came to us May 9th of 2024. We received a distress call from a concerned citizen in Dover, Stewart County, TN. This individual said that a small white chihuahua was running the streets of their neighborhood in the middle of some very severe storms that we were having. The concerned citizen had taken her in out of the storm and when we arrived we noticed that Ethel was soaked to the bone and shivering from being cold and over stressed. We immediately wrapped her in a blanket and whisked her home to the sanctuary. She was covered in fleas, had little to no hair, and had a right eye injury. We gave her a flea preventative to get rid of the fleas and applied antibiotic eye ointment to start treatment on the eye injury. The next morning, we had her at the veterinarian's office. She was examined and her eye was stained to see the extent of the injury. The veterinarian told us to continue treatment with the antibiotic ointment in her eyes and she was prescribed some antibiotics. The veterinarian estimated Ethel's age at 14. She only had three teeth left in her mouth. She was prescribed a medicated bath weekly to relieve the irritating skin condition that left her with little to no hair. 


Fast forward to the present...

Ethel has completely healed from her eye injury and her skin condition has gone away with treatment. She is thriving well at the sanctuary. Due to Ethel's age, we have taken her on as a lifelong member of Voiceless Moments Dog Sanctuary and Rescue. We have come to realize that Ethel is a sassy, senior lady. Here at the sanctuary, we take in small dogs of all ages if they are disabled or have a lifelong illness. Ethel gives all of the younger individuals a run for their money. If she thinks they are getting to close to her personal bubble, she lets them know it. She is a crafty little thing that knows how to lay the charm on thick in order to get her way. We have a playpen set up in the bedroom for her to sleep in. It comes with a comfy blanket bed, stuffed animal to cuddle with and a heating pad to keep her warm. She only weighs 5 pounds. She has learned that if she waits for us to go to sleep, she can jump out of the playpen to look for a different sleeping area. We were forced to find a net that covers the top. This ensures that she does not jump out and injure herself. Ethel loves cuddle sessions with the humans in her life and feeding times. 

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PO Box 134

Erin, TN 37061


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